Course curriculum

  • 2

    Part 1 - Theory

    • Part 1 - Introduction Video

  • 3

    Bonus Module 1: Psychological and Physiological Effects of Stress

    • Lesson 1.0: Learning Outcomes for Bonus Module 1

    • Lesson BM1.1: Stress and Work

    • Lesson BM1.2: Types of Stress and Causes

    • Lesson BM1.3: Physical Effects of Stress - Musculoskeletal

    • Lesson BM1.4: Physical Effects of Stress - Respiratory

    • Lesson BM 1.5: Physical Effects of Stress - Cardiovascular

    • Lesson BM 1.6: Physical Effects of Stress - Endocrine

    • Lesson BM 1.7: Physical Effects of Stress - Gastrointestinal

    • Lesson BM 1.8: Physical Effects of Stress - Nervous

    • Lesson BM1.9 - Psychological Effects of Stress

    • References - Bonus Module 1

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    Bonus Module 2: Psychological and Physiological Effects of Fatigue

    • Lesson 2.0: Learning Outcomes for Bonus Module 2

    • Lesson BM2.1: Definition of Fatigue

    • Lesson BM2.2: Types of fatigue and Causes

    • Lesson BM2.3: Psychological Effects of Fatigue

    • Lesson BM2.4: Methods to Manage Stress and Fatigue

    • References - Bonus Module 2

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    Module 1: Foundation Theory

    • Lesson 1.0: Learning Outcomes for Module 1: Principles for Success

    • Lesson 1.1: The Principles for Success

    • Lesson 1.2: Creating Outcomes with Positive Effect

    • Lesson 1.3: Setting an Intervention Up For Success

    • Lesson 1.4: Cause and Effect

    • Lesson 1.5: The Mind-Body Connection

    • Lesson 1.6: Neurological Connections

    • Lesson 1.7: The Presuppositions for Life

    • Module 1 Assessment

    • References - Module 1

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    Module 2: Communication Principles and Skills

    • Module 2: Introduction Video

    • Lesson 2.0: Learning Outcomes for Module 2: Communication Principles and Skills

    • Lesson 2.1: A Communication Model

    • Lesson 2.2: Observing Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication

    • Lesson 2.2.1: Behavioural Profiling Aide Memoire

    • Lesson 2.2.2: Basic Listening and Communication Exercises

    • Lesson 2.2.3: Advanced Listening and Communication Exercises

    • Lesson 2.3: Rapport - What is it, how do we build and maintain it?

    • Lesson 2.4: Our Senses and Language

    • Lesson 2.4.1: Exercise - Sensory Preference

    • Lesson 2.4.1 - Exercise Worksheet

    • Lesson 2.5: Predicate Language

    • Additional External Resources

    • Module 2 Assessment

    • References - Module 2

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    Module 3: Eye Movement Patterns

    • Module 3 Introduction Video

    • Lesson 3.0: Learning Outcomes for Module 3

    • Lesson 3.1: Eye Movement Pattern Cues

    • Lesson 3.2: How to Elicit Eye Patterns

    • Lesson 3.3: Eye Tracking Exercise

    • Lesson 3.3.1 Eye Tracking Exercise Sheet - PDF

    • Lesson 3.4: Synesthesia

    • Module 3 Assessment

    • References - Module 3

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    Module 4: Submodalities

    • Module 4 Introduction Video

    • Lesson 4.0: Learning Outcomes for Module 4: Modalities and Sub-modalities

    • Lesson 4.1: Modalities and Submodalities

    • Lesson 4.2: Possible uses for Changing Submodalities and How to Elicit Them

    • Lesson 4.3: Using Submodalities for Change

    • Lesson 4.3.1: Exercise - Submodality Change

    • Video: How to use the Submodality Checklist

    • Lesson 4.3.2: Submodality Checklist PDF

    • Module 4 Assessment

    • References: Module 4

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    Module 5: The Limbic System, Memory and Brain Activity

    • Module 5: Introduction Video

    • Lesson 5.0: Learning Outcomes for Module 5

    • Lesson 5.1: How the Limbic System Affects Memory

    • Lesson 5.1.1: Memory Graphics - Downloads

    • Lesson 5.2: Perceptual Blindness and Conscious Overload

    • Lesson 5.3: Brain Activity and Brain Waves

    • Lesson 5.4: Circadian Rhythm

    • Lesson 5.4.1: Exercise Worksheet - Sleep Diary

    • Lesson 5.5:Ultradian Rhythm

    • Module 5 Assessment

    • References - Module 5

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    Module 6: Influences on Your State of Mind, Emotions, Beliefs and Decisions

    • Module 6: Introduction Video

    • Lesson 6.0: Learning Outcomes for Module 6

    • Lesson 6.1: Influences on Your State of Mind

    • Lesson 6.2: Emotional Response vs Decisions

    • Lesson 6.3: Beliefs

    • Lesson 6.4: Identifying Limiting Beliefs

    • Lesson 6.4.1: Exercise Worksheet - Identify Your Limiting Beliefs

    • Lesson 6.5: Limiting Beliefs - Framing Principle, Frame of Reference

    • Lesson 6.5.1: Reframing, Schemas, Meaning

    • Lesson 6.5.2 - Exercise Worksheet - Identify Your Frames of Reference, Schemas and Meaning

    • Lesson 6.6: Values

    • Lesson 6.6.1: Values Exercise Video Explanation

    • Lesson 6.6.1 - Values Exercise WorkSheet

    • Lesson 6.6.2: Beliefs Behind Your Values Video Explanation

    • Lesson 6.6.2 - Exercise Worksheet 2 - Beliefs Behind Your Values

    • Module 6 Assessment

    • References - Module 6

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    Module 7:The Logical Levels Model for Personal Change

    • Module 7: Introduction Video

    • Lesson 7.0: Learning Outcomes for Module 7

    • Lesson 7.1: An Introduction to the Logical Levels Model

    • Lesson 7.2: Logical Levels - Environment

    • Lesson 7.3: The logical Levels - Behaviour

    • Lesson 7.4: The Logical Levels - Capability

    • Lesson 7.5: The Logical Levels Model - Beliefs and Values

    • Lesson 7.6: The Logical Levels Model - Identity

    • Lesson 7.7: The Logical Levels Model - Purpose

    • Video Explanation of Personal Exploration Exercise

    • Lesson 7.8: Personal Exploration Exercise - PDF

    • Module 7 Assessment

    • References - Module 7

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    Module 8: Behavioural Change

    • Module 8: Introduction Video

    • Lesson 8.0: Learning Outcomes for Module 8

    • Lesson 8.1: The Behavioural Change Learning Cycle

    • Behavioural Change Learning Cycle - Video Explanation

    • Behavioural Change Learning Cycle PDF

    • Lesson 8.2: The Intentional Change Model

    • Lesson 8.2.1: Reflective Exercise - Who Helped Me and Who Tried

    • Lesson 8.3: The Intentional Change Model Cont.

    • Module 8 Assessment

    • References - Module 8

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    Part 2 - Techniques

    • Part 2 - Techniques Introduction

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    Module 9: Negative Thought Pattern Interrupt

    • Lesson 9.0: Learning Outcomes for Module 9

    • Lesson 9.1: Negative Thought Pattern Interrupt - What Is It?

    • Lesson 9.2: NTPI - The Process Overview

    • Lesson 9.3: NTPI - The Process in Detail

    • Lesson 9.4: NTPI - Live Video Demo with Client

    • Lesson 9.5: NTPI Assignment

    • References - Module 9

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    Module 10: The Whole Brain State

    • Lesson 10.0: Learning Outcomes for Module 10

    • Lesson 10.1: The Whole Brain State (WBS) - Description

    • Lesson 10.2: WBS - The Process

    • Lesson 10.3: The Whole Brain State - Live Video Demo with Client

    • Lesson 10.4: Whole Brain State Assignment

    • References - Module 10

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    Module 11: Anchoring

    • Lesson 11.0: Learning Outcomes for Module 11

    • Lesson 11.1: Brief History of Anchoring

    • Lesson 11.2: Uses of Anchoring

    • Lesson 11.3: 5 Keys to Anchoring - ITURN

    • Lesson 11.4: The Anchoring Process

    • Lesson 11.4.1: Icarus Anchoring Process - PDF Download

    • Lesson 11.5: Anchoring - Live Video Demo with Client

    • Lesson 11.6: Anchoring Assignment

    • Lesson 11.7: How to Bring all Three Techniques Together

    • References - Module 11

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    Module 12: Eye Patterning and Re-imprinting

    • Lesson 12.0: Learning Outcomes for Module 12

    • Lesson 12.1: What Is Eye Patterning and Re-Imprinting?

    • Lesson 12.2: What Are Memories & Imprints & How Are They Created?

    • Lesson 12.3: Brick Walls and Feeling Stuck

    • Lesson 12.4: Eye Patterning and Re-imprinting Process

    • Lesson 12.5: EPRI - Live Video Demo with Client

    • Lesson 12.6: Eye Patterning and Re-imprinting Assignment

    • References - Module 12

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    Module 13: Swish Pattern

    • Lesson 13.0: Learning Outcomes for Module 13

    • Lesson 13.1: The Swish Pattern

    • Lesson 13.2: Keys To Successful SWISH Patterns

    • Lesson 13.3: SWISH Pattern Guide Script

    • References - Module 13

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    Module 14: Purpose

    • Lesson 14.0: Learning Outcomes for Module 14

    • Lesson 14.1: Purpose

    • Lesson 14.2: Your Purpose Statement - Exercise Worksheet

    • References - Module 14

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    Module 15: Case Studies Assignment

    • Lesson 15.0: Learning Outcomes for Module 15

    • Lesson 15.1 - Case Study Assignment

    • Lesson 15.2: Sample Case Studies and Informed Consent Form

    • References - Module 15

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    Bonus Module 3: Personal Needs

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    Next steps

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